Forum|Kevin Downing's Guitar School

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Forum Timezone: Pacific/Auckland
Most Users Ever Online: 17
Currently Online:
Guest(s) 1
Top Posters:
Jason Just: 512
Amanda Elvin: 377
Dawn McKenzie: 253
Ivor Smith: 211
Aaron Watkinson: 193
Joella Lauridsen: 189
Pinfold Brenda: 175
Shaun Lovett: 141
Member Stats:
Guest Posters: 4
Members: 244
Moderators: 0
Admins: 3
Forum Stats:
Groups: 4
Forums: 25
Topics: 862
Posts: 4820
Newest Members:
Mike Vallance
Administrators: Kevin Downing: 1465, Tracey Shailer-Lewis: 69, webbie: 0